The Athletic Tune:

Core Identity

Are you working your core? Or can you trust it to do the work for you?

The “core” can be as misused as the muscles we think we should be using. Define the word in motion and learn how you get your core to do the thinking.

In this interactive virtual event, we will discuss the fine line between strengthening exercises and functional postures that ignite your true center and learn a routine for self-practice.

Core Identity is for EVERYONE however, if you want to get the best experience, you’ll need a mat and comfortable clothing.

Vestibular Therapy treats dizziness, imbalance, vertigo, post-concussion, & more.

(Multiple days and times are available.)

Free Virtual Event

(Multiple days and times are available.)

Presented by...

Lynda Salerno Gehrman is the owner and a senior instructor at Physio Logic Pilates & Movement. In 2009, Lynda simultaneously opened two studios, the flagship in Brooklyn Heights and a boutique outpost on Manhattan’s Upper East Side.

While she equally enjoys working with the professional athlete as much as the exercise novice, She specializes in using her keen eye to reorganize sport-specific gait patterns, recognize muscle initiation and imbalances, and teach corrective strength training, applying the works of Pilates to any practice.

Physio Logic • 409 Fulton Street, 2nd Floor • Brooklyn, NY 11201 • p +1 (718) 260-1000 • e [email protected]